To celebrate National Mills Weekend and the Cambridge Local Food Festival, we’re organising a Bake-In event on Sunday 15th May from 2pm.
We’re firing up the wood fired oven and invite you to join us and bring your own proven bread dough to bake-off in the wood fired oven! There will be flour prizes for the best Boule and Batard loaves, chance to share baking tips and ideas with fellow bread-nuts!
We will be running bread making demonstrations throughout the afternoon and wind permitting, the mill will be working.
We have such a great story to tell – local grain from Wimpole Home Farm, milled using wind power and sold to Cambridgeshire’s passionate real bread community!
So come and enjoy yourself, bring your dough – to bake off in the wood fired oven.. and to spend on our wonderful Prior’s Flour!!
Call us for more information – 01638 741009