We are pleased to announce that we have just taken delivery of our latest parcel of milling wheat, from the 2022 harvest. As a result, for the home millers, wheat grain is now once again available to purchase along with our range of rye and spelt grains.

Our 2022 harvest wheat, Paragon variety, comes from the Hampshire – Wiltshire border area and we will be writing a blog post shortly to tell you more about the farm where it was grown.
The grain will be going into production to produce our white and wholemeal flours over the next couple of weeks as we mill the last of our 2021 harvest mulika wheat. We will, I am afraid, have to adjust our prices as the 2022 harvest wheat was over 65% more expensive per tonne than our 2021 wheat! Whilst you will not see that total percentage reflected in what you pay, you will, I hope, appreciate why an increase has been necessary. The good news is that wheat prices are now showing signs of falling, so we look forward to reducing prices (assuming the price of wheat continues to fall) at the end of 2023 when we have milled up this latest batch of grain.
We’ve shared some pictures before of the 2022 harvest wheat “in action”, but here is a reminder of what you expect from the 13.5% protein flour!