We are very sorry to announce that Jane Bulleid (wife of the late Michael Bulleid), our predecesors here at Fosters Mill, passed away on the 13th July 2024. Jane met Michael after the death of his first wife, Gay Bulleid and with Michael (and Michael’s children Deborah and Oliver) continued the project to restore Fosters Mill, culminating in the mill grinding flour again in 1992. Without their hard word, incredible dedication and financial resources, the future of Fosters Mill would have been in doubt.
Jane was particularly active in promoting the mill and selling flour between 1992 and 1996, when Michael had to stop milling due to ill health. She continued to live in the area after Michael’s death in 1998 and was active in a number of societies and groups.
Our deepest sympathy goes to Jane’s sister, Deborah, Oliver and families and friends.